Pandering for Reelection |
- Cutting taxes will stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.
- Cutting regulations will stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.
- The stimulus package didn't work.
- The Affordable Care Act is a government takeover of health care.
- Taxes are historically high.
- Illegal immigrants taking Americans' jobs are a major cause of unemployment.
- Raising taxes on the rich and corporations will hurt the economy.
- Raising taxes on the rich and corporations will increase unemployment.
- High taxes make American companies less competitive in global markets.
- Making the rich pay higher taxes is class warfare.
- Flat taxes are fairer than progressive tax rates.
- The GOP isn't the party of the rich.
- Redistribution of wealth is inherently bad.
- Income divergence doesn't matter.
- A large wealth gap doesn't matter.
- The American Dream is alive and well.
- Fox News is Fair and Balanced.
- American voters are open-minded.
- Racism is dead in America.
- Racial discrimination is dead in America.
- Sexual harassment is dead in America.
- Sex discrimination is dead in America.
- Liberals are bleeding hearts.
- Compromise in Congress is bad.
- Demanding political pledges leads to better public policy.
- All politicians are liars.
- Americans enjoy higher social mobility than other countries.
- Private enterprise can do everything better than government.
- There is no downside to American Exceptionalism.
- We're still in a recession.
- We have a spending problem, not a tax problem.
- People are unemployed because they are lazy.
- The welfare program is a significant contributor to the deficit.
- Free markets work better with fewer regulations.
- Capitalism works better with fewer regulations.
- Voters always act in accord with their own best interests.
- America has nothing to learn from other countries.
- The foreclosure crisis is the fault of homeowners and government mandates.
- Many scientists engage in long-lasting conspiracies and produce junk science.
- Labor unions are bad for the economy.
- Raising the minimum wage results in job losses.
- America has the best schools in the world.
- America has the best healthcare in the world.
- A rising tide lifts all boats.
- Class warfare is conducted by the political left.
- The U.S. has greater social equality than other countries.
- The U.S. has a level economic playing field with equal opportunity for all.
- The 47% of households paying no federal income tax are getting a free ride.
- President Obama is a big liar.
- President Obama has broken all his promises.
- President Obama's appointments have gone to a bunch of socialists.
- Smaller government is inherently better government.
- Corporations are people too.
- Social Security is broke.
- The Founding Fathers were for small government.
- The Founding Fathers were against a strong central government.
- Voter fraud is a big problem.
- The use of torture increases our national security.
- Waterboarding isn't torture.
- The Founding Fathers were politically conservative.
- President Obama created most of the national debt.
- Affirmative action is reverse discrimination.
- Every issue is a matter of opinion.
- A scientific theory is just somebody's guess.
- Most welfare recipients are welfare queens.
- Illegal immigrants receive welfare.
- Illegal immigrants receive Social Security
- Illegal immigrants commit violent crime at high rates
- Voters want to be told the truth.
- There should be no difference between principles and public policy.
- Guns don't kill, people do.
- Global warming is a hoax.
- There is controversy in the scientific community about global warming.
- Politicians do not do what they were elected to do.
- Republicans consistently support states' rights.
- We can have all the government services we demand and also cut taxes.
Panderbear created this list in just a few minutes. Many are addressed in previous posts. Some are not (yet), but Panderbear has researched them all.